Sunday, February 21, 2010

Our 1st Molar!

Brandon's valentine surprise consisted of 20 lovingly folded hearts from rectangles of paper.  Each one had something I love about him.  I used pink yarn tied in a bow to hang them up all around or bedroom.  There are still about 15 hanging up because they look pretty and he doesn't want to take them all down.  :-D

In unrelated news, this last week was pretty miserable.  There was a day with a high fever.  A few days of one very miserable toddler.  And it's probably a good thing that we decided against selling Keely to the nice group of traveling gypsies since she finally broke her first molar!  She has nine teeth now. 

In totally unrelated news, I wish that the Skunkboy Creatures Etsy would have these again:

Although...maybe at a time when my budget for ridiculously cute narwhal plushies is 70 bucks higher.  And on that note, I will say good night because I have a date with some very gossipy ladies on Wisteria Lane tonight.  ;)

Friday, February 12, 2010


Valentine's Day is coming up in just a couple of days now.  Which means I have a ton of projects in my mind that I would like to do as surprises for Brandon, but of course I will probably fail at accomplishing most of these projects.  I'll let you know how it goes after Sunday.  We will, of course, be ordering pizza that night (we're suckers for tradition) and Brandon will be working all day anyway.  Our big plans are for later in the week.  Maggiano's is super delicious and it's been forever since I've been there so I'm super excited.  Now I just have to finish some pesky school work and begin trying to do something sweet to let my husband know that even if I don't spend money on him, I still love him.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Watson Adventures

I just found out about these awesome scavenger hunts called Watson Adventures.  They have scavenger hunts throughout different cities and museums.  Some are to learn more about the area, while some are to solve a mystery.  I'm a total dork but just the idea of how much fun this seems like makes me giddy like a school girl.  So now, we are talking about either doing one of these overwhelmingly awesome scavenger hunts or going to a mystery dinner theater for my birthday.  Both sound just depends on how lazy we're feeling.